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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to adjust the results page

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  • Paul Nye

    How can I make the results in the same format as the theme?
    Current sermons page with search and filter pro widget on right sidebar –
    Using shortcode for results to here –
    But the sermons have an formatted display.
    How can I force the results to be in the same format as the theme has it?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Paul

    If you want to use the layout from your theme, then you need to use the archive method:

    Otherwise you would need to copy the html/css structure from your theme and copy it in to your results template.

    Please see an overview here of the differences between the two methods:


    Paul Nye

    Thanks Ross,
    I am getting close, but still missing something:
    If I choose ‘archive page’for results ( and specify my theme’s template file (taxonomy-sermons-category.php) then the results only show the default blogs posts page instead of sermons. ( Very odd.
    If I choose ‘shortcode’ for results and create a \search-filter\ folder and put my file ‘taxonomy-sermons-category.php’ there and rename it to ‘results.php’ I get an empty page.
    What would you suggest my approach be?
    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Paul, you can use archive mode, then put in the filename: taxonomy-sermons-category.php but see the notes in the above link about potential issues with archive mode, your template might have a custom query inside which is causing it to ignore the S&F query – so you will have to remove this.

    If you are using results method, then you create results.php in search-filter folder – but you msut also place the results shortcode into a page – the results shortcode then loads the results.php template where the shortcode is displayed – probably your results.php won’t be a full template (with the get_header() etc – see the sample results.php on how to do the loop) – you can get the results shortcode from the S&F edit screen.


    Paul Nye

    Thanks for your the reply.
    So the author of my theme tried to make this work, but says..
    ‘I have tried that but it seems like it is not honoring any of the template name i put in the field there. I tried creating a custom template but to no avail. If you can talk further with the plugin developer then you can tell them that no template is working for you and it always taking the template that is set for the page (posts page at settings > reading)’

    Can you offer any help on this?

    Paul Nye
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