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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to add filter to current url

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  • Leila Nascimento

    Hello, we have some questions that we didn’t find an answer in the documentation:

    1 – how do I keep the current url (archive) to the filter slug?


    I’m in the archive: www…./taxonomy/term/

    When applying the filter in the sidebar I want him to add the filter keeping the taxonomy and term of the original archive

    www …./taxonomy/term/?sfid=xxx


    Trevor Moderator

    This can only be done IF you are using the ‘Post Type Archive’ or ‘WooCommerce – Shop’ display results method.

    The taxonomy in question would then need to be a field in the form (even if you then hide it from the use using CSS).

    You would need to select the ‘Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives’ option, and the ‘Choose which kinds of pages S&F will try to do this on -> Tag, Category & Taxonomy Archives’ option.

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