Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How do I automatically include taxonomy child categories?

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  • Anonymous

    I have a taxonomy called “tools” with three main categories (nailers, staplers, specialty) and multiple child categories of each. I want to create a check box field that includes one parent category and all children. I know I can do this manually using the “include” option for that taxonomy, but I need it to dynamically add children of a parent category. I want the client to be able to add new child categories without having to worry about changing the search form.


    Additional, is there any way to automatically show just the children of one parent?


    I mean automatically show just the children and no parent.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Todd

    Sorry for the delay on this – I thought I had replied.

    Unfortunately this is not possible – although I will be adding in an option to filter all fields so you could control this yourself at a later date.

    Alternatively, you could break each of your top level items into their own taxonomies, this way you would not need to worry about updating the search form.


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