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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How can I transform search form into button into mobile devices

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  • Nikunj Vala

    I want to show only one button (called “filter” or something) in mobile devices on which when user clicks, then it will popup or show filter form. How can I achieve that? Right now because of that whole filter, all posts are moved to far bottom.

    Like this:

    Trevor Moderator

    This is outside the scope of our support, as it is related more to general page and theme design.

    However, in general, you would need:

    1. A button added to the page which reveals/hides the form.
    2. A container on the page holding the form.

    Both can be generally hidden.

    Then, use CSS media rules to show the button on mobile, and show the form container on desktop.

    There may be a plugin on the WordPress repository that would do this for you, I am not sure.

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