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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How can I exclude Search and Filter pages from Autoptimize?

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  • Lisa Caras

    Hi there,

    I searched the forum for Autoptimize, but did not see a solution for my problem.

    When I turn on JS optmization with Autoptimize, the pages that show my Search and Filter form/results do not display. I tried excluding the Search and Filter plugin folder from Autoptmize, but that didn’t help. I turned of JS optmize and looked at what other JS was loading in the console to see if there was some other JS needed by my Search and Filter form/results pages, but I didn’t see anything that looked different from my other pages that do work with Autoptimize.

    I tried using these “exclude strings” with Autoptimize:

    I tried the other “troubleshooting” options that Autoptimize provides for JS optimization. None made a difference. My Search and Filter Pro pages won’t load at all.

    You can see an example here:

    You will have to use user/pass demisto/37429504 to get to the page.

    I don’t expect you to troubleshoot Autoptimize for me, but is there some other JS that Search adn Filter Pro requires?

    Lisa Caras
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Over the years, I have had no end of issues with Autoptimize of this sort myself. Our plugin requires its own javascript file and the standard WordPress javascript jQuery file.

    It is much simpler to use a cache plugin with such optimisation options built in. I have been testing this free plugin and it works very well:

    If speed is your issue, then the biggest factor in that is hosting. File optimisations such as discussed here is almost bottom of the list of things that can be done.

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