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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Horizontal search

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Boaz van der Zeep

    Hi there,

    Just purchased your plugin and it works perfectly.
    I do have a question regarding the styling.

    How can I make my search form UI list horizontal instead
    of the standard vertical?

    Awaiting for your respons.

    Kind regards,
    Boaz van der Zeep

    Shirley Lee

    I was just about to ask the same question… I know the answer is “using CSS” but it is not the easiest CSS job…

    could somebody please post some guidelines for that?


    Shirley Lee
    Ross Moderator

    Thanks Shirley

    Hey Boaz, does the link above answer your question?


    Boaz van der Zeep

    Thanx Shirley!

    Does a search form have a unique ID?
    Because I would like the search form on my homepage to be vertical
    and on my blog page horizontal?
    Any idea on how to achieve this?

    Kind regards,

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Boaz

    There are two ways to do it…

    Normally your homepage would have a class on it – .home

    So you could style Search forms on your homepage like:

    .home .searchandfilter
        border:1px solid #f00;

    Alternatively you could target them individually using attributes:

        border:1px solid #f00;

    Where 12 is the ID of your form

    I will be adding a proper ID attribute to the forms in the next release.


    Boaz van der Zeep

    Thnx for the reply!
    Fixed it with the first method.

    Adding a proper ID attribute in the next update would be nice!

    Kind regards,

    Ross Moderator

    Just emailed you an update with this added in 🙂

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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