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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Horizontal form – not working even after following instructions


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  • Stephanie Bonnet


    I too want the form to be horizontal and applied the css posted here:

    However, the form still appears vertical. What do I need to change in the css for it to work?


    Trevor Moderator

    Did you change the form id number from 2545 to 41629 (your form’s ID)?

    Stephanie Bonnet

    Yes, both in the search form shortcode and in the search results shortcode

    Trevor Moderator


    You would need to decide which bits need to be where, but this for example:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="41629"] li.sf-field-category {
        width: 20% !important;

    Might become this:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="41629"] li.sf-field-category {
        width: 20% !important;
        float: left;
        display: inline-block !important;

    and so on.

    Stephanie Bonnet

    Update: it now works (I hadn’t updated the form ID in all CSS lines) and I see that I have to adjust the various elements. There’s still something wrong with picking 2 results from the France category only but I’ll follow up on this in the other thread.

    Thanks, you can close this one

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