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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hierarchical category doesn't work properly

Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)
  • Ross Moderator

    Hi Tony

    Please open a new ticket, and could you follow up on your initial ticket post with a private reply with your dev login details?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jose

    I just patched an uploaded to your site – can you confirm the error is gone and hierarchical is working as expected?


    Jose David Moliner

    Hey Ross,

    Works fine but not perfect. I found a bug:

    First level childs with childs (grandchild) not shows his posts:

    – Father 1 OK
    — Child 1 OK
    — Child 2 FAIL
    — Granchild 1 OK
    — Granchild 2 OK
    — Granchild 3 OK
    – Father 2 OK

    Jose David Moliner
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jose David Moliner

    Hey Ross,

    Still remains the bug:

    First level childs with childs (grandchild) not shows his posts:

    – Father 1 OK
    — Child 1 OK
    — Child 2 FAIL
    — Granchild 1 OK
    — Granchild 2 OK
    — Granchild 3 OK
    – Father 2 OK

    Ross Moderator

    Looking into atm

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jose

    Please update to S&F 2.0.2 which has a patch for this issue.


    Jose David Moliner

    it works like a charm !!

Viewing 8 posts - 11 through 18 (of 18 total)

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