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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hide empty taxonomies, Customize no results page and Sort by GD Ratings.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • John Edwards

    Hello i have 3 questions:

    1) I’m working with custom taxonomy and custom post types archives. I selected to hide empty terms but they still show up on the dropdown. This happens because there are posts with this terms but they are from another types. When i chose the known empty term i get a “No results” page which is right but How can i make those empty terms don’t show up at all in the dropdown?.
    On “Search in the following post types:” i have selected only 1 type.

    2) Related to 1. How can i modify the template of the no results page? It’s not 404.php (I’m using a child of twenty fourteen).

    3) I use GD Rating System plugin. Is there ANY way for me to sort by rating? I don’t think it uses a meta bu it’s own tables. If not is there any rating plugin that works with search & filter pro? Maybe i can migrate.

    4) Thanks!

    John Edwards

    Answers to:

    2) It’s content-none.php file not 404.php
    3) Probably wp-postratings?

    Trevor Moderator

    It would be useful it see the page. Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look? Make sure you have both Auto Count settings ON.

    I think the no results template comes from within the search.php template, so check in there.

    I cannot recommend a plugin, but whatever you use, it should store the scores etc. in the postmeta table in order that our filtering system will see the data.

    John Edwards

    I had auto-count disabled. That solved it. Thanks!

    For posterity “GD Rating System” has an addon called: Sync Meta
    “Automatically synchronize rating data into the WordPress postmeta table. You can select rating methods and even use rules”

    The author told me that’s what would do what’s needed.

    I guess the topic is resolved thank you!

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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