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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Here'is how to create a Load More button (Newbies)


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  • francois5353

    Hi 🙂

    I know that it’s not the perfect solution but I wan’t to share you how I did a load more button after many times searching an awnser here.

    In search-filter-build.min.js

    Replace this line:
    n > s + i && e.loadMoreResults()

    By those lines:

      n > s + i && e.loadMoreResults()

    And now everything works well, you just need to do your button or link and that’s all.

    PS: Use Infinite scroll method to achieve this.

    Sorry for my bad english and thank you for your plugin 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    I will mark this for the attention of the developer and thank you for sharing. I would observer that making these changes would result in them being lost when you upgrade.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Francois

    Thanks so much for sharing! This looks great.

    Just to let you know, in v3, we will be bringing this feature, so you won’t have to “hack” at S&F yourself 🙂

    Great work though, thanks!


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