Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Help with “Reset” and pagination

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  • Anonymous

    i set a Filter as you can see in this page:

    the template and pagination is made by an Elementor Template.

    When i choose a filter or when i click on reset button the page reaload fine but show ALL the images without pagination.

    If i try to activate the “Ajax” option in settings to also turn on “Searchandfilter” pagination the display results doesn’t works fine.

    Can you help me to solve this problem? I simply need pagination also when a filter is selected or reset button is pressed.

    Tnx a lot,


    It does not appear that you followed this guide?

    There is also an extension plugin to download and use from the top of that page/guide.


    Ok tnx a lot, i follow the guide and now works fine, just a little thing….
    why if i click on image the site open a new page with single photo instead of Lightbox?

    I set lightbox on my Elementor settings as ACTIVE for all images.

    Can you help me in this last thing pls?

    Tnx so much,


    Sorry, i forgot the new link:

    Tnx a lot,


    If I go to this page:

    I make no filtering, so the default is in default mode. I click an image, it does not open a lightbox. At this point our plugin is not affecting the listings, so why is the lightbox not working?

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