Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Help request for plugin setting

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  • Anonymous

    I installed your plugin on my website
    now I just need the search
    I have two problems
    1 the search does not work … I always display the usual 6 mp3 for each search …. did I make some wrong settings?
    2 I should center the search and the button on the page because the centering jumps in the mobile view

    I’m waiting for you


    On the Display Results settings tab of the form, you have selected ‘Using a Shortcode’ as the method. This may be wrong. Are you using Elementor Pro to display the posts? If so, you should use the method described in this guide (and also use the extension for Elementor Pro that you can download from the top of the guide page):

    The form we can address later, but this custom CSS normally centers the form:

    .searchandfilter > ul {
      display: table;
      margin: 0 auto;
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