Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Grid view and list view

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  • Anonymous

    could you please advise if we could do the below,

    We need a dynamic page that have all posts listed with a filter to browse chronologically by published date, author, category and add a switch between grid view and list view with the option to display 10-20-50- 100 posts per page and to list them all without paging.

    please be noted that the website is using rtl language and elementor pro


    Most of what you ask for can be done with our plugin, yes. But, Elementor does not have the option to switch views, so you would need to custom code your own PHP template to achieve that (and probably use a toggle outside our form coded by you to add/remove a controlling class that changes the CSS to cause the results to switch between display types).

    BTW, the WordPress option for ‘ALL’ when setting ‘posts per page’ is to set this to -1, so that would be how to achieve that.

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