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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Getting value from url

Viewing 6 posts - 41 through 46 (of 46 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    Hi Edward

    I think we will have to finish this over video conference, using Skype? What timezone are you in, if this is possible?

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    It might be possible, but not by me. Ross might have some ideas, but it may take a little longer for me to reply.


    Hi Trevor,
    If you could ask Ross. I can wait. No Worries!


    Trevor Moderator


    I think you may need to use this wordpress function to get what you want: to find the children

    I am not sure I can be of any practical help as we have reached my limits.


    Hi Trevor,
    No problem thanks for the update! I’ll have a look into the codex.

Viewing 6 posts - 41 through 46 (of 46 total)

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