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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Get the results in the same category page

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  • Nicolas AUNE


    I’m showing the search form in category.php with:
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[searchandfilter id="323"]'); ?>

    Problem is, when I select an field (egg. a dropdown), the page reload and show the results on an other category page (default one).
    I tried to enable Ajax but it won’t simply work 🙁

    My question is, is that possible to get the resuslts in the same catagory we are currently seaching?

    Thanks in advance.

    Trevor Moderator


    Can you show me the page/link/URL with the search form?

    Nicolas AUNE
    Nicolas AUNE

    Cheers, it is working!
    I had to uncheck this option:
    If the user is not on the results page already, the first submit of the Search Form will cause a page redirect.
    Still, the url change is not working …
    I have:
    Then, when I check an option, it gets me: without category/occasions/

    Any ideas?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Nicolas AUNE
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I can see that the form Display Results method is set to As an Archive, and this does not support the ‘remain in the category URL’ type of function that you want. I think that the Post Type Archive method does, but that may not be suitable for you.

    With the next major release (V3), I think this will be possible, but that is a few months away yet (but we are currently coding it).

    If you want the form to detect which category you are in, on the General tab you must check the option Choose which kinds of pages S&F will try to do this on:Tag, Category & Taxonomy Archives AND add the category/taxonomy to the form so that it can be filled in (even if you hide that field control using custom CSS).

    Nicolas AUNE

    Thanks for the answer, I understand now 🙂
    I’m looking forward for the v.3. Still, you did a great job with that plugin!

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