Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Get Current $SFID active_sfid

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  • Anonymous

    I am in my theme folder/search-filter/results.php

    I need a way to get the current SFID.

    I see there is an “active_sfid” field contained in the global $searchandfilter; object.

    How do I access this?


    Do you need a different results.php file for each form, which would be the best way. That way, any coding you want to do can be specific to that form? All you do is name the file, fore example, 1234.php.


    ok cool

    1234.php would be for form ID 1234?

    Anyway I figured this out:

    $myquery = $query->query;
    $myid = $myquery['search_filter_id'];

    The differences between form results are very minor

    Thank yoU!


    Yes in answer to your question. Thanks for letting me know how you got on and it looks like you have it all figured out. I will close this thread for now.

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