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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro General search function not working

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Alexandra Wilk

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I can get it to half work… This search query should yield the response:
    “Search Results for: green Brexit, Legatum Institute, Posts”

    At least that is what I would like it to do. But currently only the category is showing.

    This is the markup:

        global $searchandfilter;
    	$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(979)->current_query(); ?>
        <h1 class="archive_title"><span><?php _e("Search Results for","wpbootstrap"); ?>:</span> <?php echo esc_attr(get_search_query()); ?>
            $args = array(
                "str" 					=> '%2$s', 
                "delim" 				=> array(", ", " - "), 
                "field_delim"				=> ', ', 
                "show_all_if_empty"			=> false 
            echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(
                array("_sft_category", "_sft_post_tag", "_sft_sfdc_post_type", "_sft_sfdc_think_tank"), 

    Have I done something wrong?

    Trevor Moderator

    You might need this for what is in the search box:


    and then echo that. If you search our forum:

    You will see many different examples of use.

    Alexandra Wilk

    Hi Trevor,

    I didn’t quite manage to get that working in the end… but I have a separate question, hopefully more straightforward.

    Is there a setting to make the general search look in the tags?
    I.e, if I tag a post with ‘digital’, but there is no mention of the word in the title or content, but then if I search for the word ‘digital’ in the general search box, I’d like that post to show.


    Alexandra Wilk

    Problem solved with Relevanssi!

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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