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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Fully show empty terms (make empty terms clickable)


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  • V R


    I want to show empty terms in the dropdown list and I want those empty terms to be clickable. So if someone clicks on an empty term, it will return zero results. Is this possible?

    I’m comfortable with editing php & javascript in case that is required.

    Many thanks,


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Vin, I’ll have a look and see if I can find anything – will be after the weekend now

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Vin

    There was a bug that made empty terms “disabled” – this should not be the case.

    This has been fixed and will be live in the next plugin update (hopefully tomorrow).


    V R

    Hi Ross,

    Thanks for your reply. I didn’t think it was a bug.

    It would be nice to keep the option there, so that we can choose if we want to make empty terms ‘disabled’ or not.

    Kind regards,


    Ross Moderator

    For now it will be fixed and enabled, but when I add in the features (like from your other thread) then I will add disabled back in.


    V R

    Hi Ross,

    That makes prefect sense. I just realised after I replied that it would cause an issue with taxonomies that are shared between multiple post types.

    Many thanks for your support, I look forward to using this plugin again in my next project.



    V R

    Hi Ross,

    I’m a couple of days away from launching a website which is using S&F Pro.

    I’m just wondering when the next update (which includes the aforementioned bug fix) will be released?

    Because I need to decide as soon as possible if I’m going to give each post type different (but identical) taxonomies, rather than sharing the same taxonomies.

    Kind regards,


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Vin just released 1.3.0 🙂


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