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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Form, WPML & Elementor

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  • Adrien Touminet

    I have a website in French & English.
    I’ve followed the documentation to set up WPML and Search & filters.
    I have also elementor & use shortcode.

    I didn’t have a “duplicate” option but when I’ve enabled WPML translation, a new form was automatically created.

    I have set up the translated result url for the english results but since the shortcode is the shortcode of the french one, it doesn’t work.

    Note : I dont see the shortcode in WPML to “translate it”.

    Shop page in French
    Shop page in english

    Thanks for your help.

    Trevor Moderator

    I can see our form is delivering the translated copies of the form on the correct pages (it will do this automatically for you), there is no need to translate the shortcodes. As an aside, you cannot have Product Category more than once in the form.

    This video may help (made for a different user):

    That Hipster term seemed to have 12 posts, but in fact had none! Something wrong with my posts (too much of me playing on a development site).

    I apologize for the sound and presentational quality. It was early in my morning, so I was not fully awake!

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