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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Form is not working

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  • Elly de Knikker

    Hello Trevor,

    I’ve made a search form at the following website:

    But: it isn’t working. At all. It does not show any of the options to filter. Looks like some connection is missing, but I cannot imagine which. It is exactly the same kind of form I use on another website, that is working correct. (PS: that is the form you were helping me with styling the results, some weeks ago.)

    Can you see what is wrong? If you are in need of credentials, pls tell me.


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Elly de Knikker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    This error is the problem:

    You would need to add the tables manually. First though, check if they are already there! They should be named like this:


    If they are already there, then let me know, or else, if they are not there, you need to rung these two SQL queries to make them:

    CREATE TABLE wp_search_filter_cache (
                            id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                            post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,
                            post_parent_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,
                            field_name varchar(191) NOT NULL,
                            field_value varchar(191) NOT NULL,
                            field_value_num bigint(20) NULL,
                            field_parent_num bigint(20) NULL,
                            term_parent_id bigint(20) NULL,
                            PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                KEY field_name_index (field_name),
                KEY field_value_index (field_value),
                KEY field_value_num_index (field_value_num)
    CREATE TABLE wp_search_filter_term_results (
                            id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                            field_name varchar(191) NOT NULL,
                            field_value varchar(191) NOT NULL,
                            field_value_num bigint(20) NULL,
                            result_ids text NOT NULL,
                            PRIMARY KEY  (id),
                KEY field_name_index (field_name),
                KEY field_value_index (field_value),
                KEY field_value_num_index (field_value)
    Elly de Knikker

    Thank you Trevor, that’s it! It is working now.

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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