Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro form design

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  • Anonymous

    Good afternoon,

    I need to modify the design of the form but I cannot find in which file I can do it, I need to add accordions in the taxonomies in such a way that when you click on a taxonomy the accordion opens with all the options in the filter.



    This is not a setting/option in the current version of our plugin. You could probably find a way to do this using JavaScript, but be aware that some changes to the HTML structure will break the functionality of our forms.

    This is a feature we plan to offer in V3, but that is a few months away yet.


    ok and where can I modify the HTML of the form? in which file or in which database table?


    It is not recommended that you modify the core code of our plugin. Instead, you would need to find some jQuery already available (on the general Internet) that you can modify to hook in to the form after it has been output on the page (so the code would trigger on document ready and also after our ajax has been triggered, if the form needs reformatting at that point).

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