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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Form action empty causing error on

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  • Adrian Jefferies


    I’m trying to validate my website on and giving me the following error:
    Bad value for attribute action on element form: Must be non-empty.

    This is the code that’s causing the problem:
    <form action="" method="post" class="searchandfilter" data-sf-form-id="1272" ... >

    Thanks for any help.

    Adrian Jefferies

    I’m also getting the following errors on the same page:
    Element input not allowed as child of element ul in this context.

    The form has the following inputs before the closing </ul> tag:
    <input type=”hidden” name=”_sf_submitted” value=”1″>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”_sf_form_id” value=”1272″ class=”sf_form_id”>

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Adrian

    Thanks for alerting me to these, shoudl be quick fixes – I’ll see if they can make it into the next update


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