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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filters on a page

Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    Post crossed in the ether!!! I had actually just been typing the reply when you posted.


    Changes my sidebar too 🙁

    Trevor Moderator

    mmm. Try this as the results container then:

    .articles .theiaStickySidebar


    You’re a genius! Works!

    A question, thought. This ia a page and I have some stuff written on it, and then I show the posts from the blog. This page is being overwritten by search-filter.php. All of it. Is this the only way to work with it?



    What I mean is that I wanted to customize a page and have a list of posts with filters on it. If I page wont work like this, I’d probably use categories page for it, maybe. Any suggestions?

    Trevor Moderator

    That rather depends on your theme. what is happening, I suspect, is that the normal page is using theme template ‘A’, but when the search is done, it switches to search.php template. Instead, you need to figure what the real (in the theme) name of template ‘A’ is, and specify that in the S&F form settings.

    However, you will then need to edit that template to add the results filter. It might be very easy, it might not. See this post for example, where this was done:

    The key was the code:

    $args['search_filter_id'] = 16439;


    This is resolved. Thank you!

Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)

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