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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering with Tags

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Andrew Turner

    As I understand it you can’t filter by 2 different parent categories at the same time? I’ve tested this and that does seem to be the case. So I believe I need to use Tags for the 2nd filter. However, with WordPress you can’t have child tags and unfortunately I need that functionality.

    For example for tags I’d need:
    > Midlands
    > South West
    > North Wales
    > South Wales

    Is there any way to achieve this without using a 2nd Category or Tags? Would a Custom Taxonomy be the only way?

    Trevor Moderator

    That is correct, you need to make a custom taxonomy. Ideally, you should not use parent/child trees at all. For every parent, instead have a custom taxonomy with the children as the top level terms. Plugins like CPT UI are very popular for this reason/need.

    Andrew Turner

    Thanks for the info, although I didn’t quite understand this sentence:

    For every parent, instead have a custom taxonomy with the children as the top level terms.

    Could you elaborate?

    Trevor Moderator

    Let us say your site is about heritage cars. You use Category to group them

    Your tree might look like this:


    and so on. Instead, have two taxonomies:

    #1. Car Make



    #2 Car Model


    The two become ‘linked’ when you select a make and model in a post.

    If you have Auto Count On and Hide Empty ON, then, when you select a make, the models will filter down to just those relevant models.

    Thus there are no child terms.

    Andrew Turner

    I’m a bit confused as to how they will be linked if they are seperate taxonomys?

    Trevor Moderator

    Our plugin does that if you make the settings a said. t links them by looking at your usage of them in posts.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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