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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering with Authors and Ajax

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  • This topic has 44 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ross.
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  • Thanos Potossis

    Hello! I recently bought the plugin and its really awesome as it has all the features I needed for a search functionality on my website.

    I have three issues though:

    1) My search forms are made with shortcodes and ajax. They consist of categories, authors, custom taxonomies and ACF fields. The Field Relationship is AND. When I select an author all the other fields narrow down to the available options which works fine!
    When I select a category, taxonomy or an ACF field, the authors don’t change and there are still some available even though they have no articles of that category / taxonomy.

    2) On only one category page an ACF field shows only one option event though there are more. When I make a selection from the other fields then it reveals the other options available.
    The filtering works fine but on load it doesn’t show all available options.

    3) When on an author page and Ajax is enabled it shows up results from all authors. When I disable ajax it works fine!

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Thanos Potossis
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Thanos Potossis
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Thanos Potossis
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    On #2. I notice that some of the posts have faulty data in this field. If you can install the ARI Adminer plugin and set the crypt key and check that it can open the database, I will look in there to find which posts the data is wrong on (I can fix most I suspect, if you want).

    Thanos Potossis
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