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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering by variations works wrong way

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Konrad

    The way you describe sounds like the intended behaviour.

    Can you do a test anywhere (locally even) with a clean install / default theme?

    I have a feeling something may be interfering with the query…



    Hello Ross

    I’ll try with default theme and will let You know what i’ll find out.


    Hi Ross

    I done it with fresh WordPress and Woocommerce installation and with StoreFront theme.
    But filter is still not doing what I need. As I described in my first post I need functionality similar to woocommerce product variations choice on single product page. So if product has attributes: length (100, 200, 300) and diameter (10, 20, 30, 40) and I’ve got following variations:
    1. length 100 – diameter 10 & 20,
    2. length 200 – diameter 20 & 30,
    3. length 300 – diameter 30 & 40.
    When I check length 100 radio button I need to display product only for checking diameter radio 10 & 20 and for 30 & 40 should be info about inaccessibility of product and so when I check diameter 40 only checking length 300 should display product and others should display inaccessible info. I want to filter out only specific variation.
    For now when I check length 100 I get product result for all diameters and on single product page I have make choice again.
    Is any possibility to setup filter to get filter working that way or maybe You can add this funcionality?


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    I just want to up my problem.
    Is it possible to get described before functionality?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Marek

    Sorry for the delay, been busy with an update to S&F and then some updating issues.

    Taking a look at this again now…

    Still it sounds like it should behave the correct way (I think) according to what you describe.

    Are you saying that it keeps all the filters visible even the ones not applicable to what has been chosen? Do you have the feature auto count enabled? This is the feature that shows/hides options in the fields depending on other selections.

    If you’re still having issues, then I think perhaps I’m not fully getting the setup you describe.

    The link you supplied previously is dead – perhaps I can get you to setup your content (in its most simple form) on one of my servers so I know I’m not missing anything?


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    Trevor Moderator

    Hey Marek. Is this the version I sent to you? The final release version has at least one of these bugs fixed (pagination).

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