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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering by meta

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  • Jordan Trainor


    I’d like to know if there is a way where I can use a filter to change what shows up in the results.php.

    I have a list of resources. Some resources are in English and others are in Gaelic. I have set an option on the user profiles to select one of the languages for the preferred content to be listed. On each of the content items there is also a language select option.

    What I’m wanting to do is use a filter to say if the users has selected english then only show the english content items.

    Thank you.

    Jordan Trainor

    Would I be able to use pre_get_posts on this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jordan

    You could use something like WPML out of the box which would do this kind of thing – its supported by this plugin.

    Alternatively, yes you would be able to use pre_get_posts – but we must use a specific priority (copied and pasted from another thread):

    function modify_search_filter_query( $query )
        global $sf_form_data;
    	global $wp_query;
        if ( $sf_form_data->is_valid_form() && $query->is_main_query() && !is_admin())
    		//we can add our modifications here:
    		$authorID = 1;
    		$query->set('author', implode(",", $authorID)); 
    		//not necessary but we can match the search form ID in case we are using multiple search forms
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'modify_search_filter_query', 21 );


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