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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering by fields within selected post object

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  • Ashley Best

    Hello! Back with another question.

    I have a search page for finding rooms within venues.

    On a venue level, you can select checkboxes for ‘facilities’ and ‘services’. These also apply on a room level.

    On the room template in the CMS you select the parent venue (post_object field)

    I have a search page for both venues, and rooms. How can I go about filtering the rooms, based on facilities or services that apply to the selected post object (venue)?

    Trevor Moderator

    If I understand it correctly, you want to drill through from the searched post type, to find the post object ID, and from that find the terms you want within that remote post?

    IF I have that right, it is not possible within our Forum UI settings.

    It MIGHT be possible to add query arguments to the filter using this filter:

    But, you would need to code that yourself, as I do not know how it would be done.

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

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