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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering by Events Manager dates

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  • Trevor Moderator

    It depends what format Events Manager is storing the dates in the database in. For the Date filtering to work in Search and Filter, the dates must be stored in the yyyymmdd format (always eight digits, with zeroes to pad, e.g. today is 20180809.

    You can (quickly) inspect what data is there using our plugin in the Form UI.

    Add a Post Meta to the Form UI. Of the three types tabs, choose ‘Choice’. Select the Meta key for your dates and Under get Options select ‘Manual Entry’. Below that you will now see an option to ‘Browse Values’. A box will appear with all the values stored in the database.

    Jean Pietrowicz

    Thanks — The dates are stored in this format:
    2018-03-22 20:00:00

    Could I make a code change so that these dates will be recognized?

    Trevor Moderator

    Sadly not. That is a date and time stamp, which we do not support. I do not know if the events plugin is able to store them in a different format, you may need to ask them.

    Jean Pietrowicz

    I asked them and they said they no longer use a time stamp and that if I use _event_start_date then the date is in 2018-08-09 format (without the time). But if I understand it correctly, the hyphens are the problem?

    Trevor Moderator

    They may be a problem like that yes. Did you try it using that meta key?

    Jean Pietrowicz

    Yes I did but it didn’t work unfortunately.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Great to speak with you Jean. It looks like the only solutions are to either persuade the Events Manager author to add an option for the save format of the dates, or create a dummy date field and copy the date and alter the format and hook in to the WordPress save_post hook.

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