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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter without a (visible) form

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 75 total)
  • Ross Moderator

    Hi Richard

    Glad you got setup – thanks for sharing the code!


    Richard Hartley

    There was actually a question in my last response about pagination.

    1) No matter what I do, it only every pulls through 10 results. I’ve changed the “results per page” in the back-end form, and changed “posts_per_page” in the function. Always 10.

    2) Ajax/infinite scroll doesn’t work to pull through more results. I’m guessing because I’m overriding the form call defaults at the beginning with the function.

    I’m guessing I need to be able to pass a variable back to that function to make the ajax pagination work – can you point me in the right direction please?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Richard

    Apologies, I’m not sure which ticket I thought I was replying to with my last comment – I see this still needs investigating.

    I’ll hopefully be back on this later this afternoon, but today is a short day.

    I’ll update when I’ve had another look.


    Richard Hartley

    No worries – these things happen.

    Looking forward to your response!

    Ross Moderator
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    Richard Hartley
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    Richard Hartley
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    Ross Moderator
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    Richard Hartley
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    Richard Hartley
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Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 75 total)

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