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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter selection options in the results page don’t work properly

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  • Bruno Monteiro


    In my custom page I’ve included the short_code (<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[searchandfilter id=”19765″]’ ); ?>) and it works perfectly.

    The issue is with results page. I’ve got a working results page that have the same shortcode (<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[searchandfilter id=”19765″]’ ); ?>) to make it possible for the users to filter another options. It works BUT the options that appear in the filters of the results page are based in the search that was previously made (in the custom page) and I need the all options like well displayed in the previous custom page.

    Hope to hear from you as soon as possible.
    Thank you. Regards, Bruno.

    Bruno Monteiro
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    The way you describe it, the forms are working as intended. It is not possible to do as you ask, as the form and results are both responding to the query parameters passed to the page.

    If you have Auto Count enabled, you might try with this OFF, but I am not sure it will do as you wish. You might also need to make sure that Hide empty is OFF in any field setting.

    Please note that we are now into an extended public holiday weekend (Friday to Monday inclusive) here in the UK. We may be working for some of this period, but replies may be delayed at times.

    Bruno Monteiro

    Dear Trevor, thank you for the fast reply.

    “If you have Auto Count enabled, you might try with this OFF, but I am not sure it will do as you wish. You might also need to make sure that Hide empty is OFF in any field setting.”

    Yes! Your solution made it work. Thank you. Regards and Stay Safe!

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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