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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter results not working

Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)
  • Mike Thomas

    Hi Ross,

    Some good news – I managed to fix the first problem with all of the items being displayed. Under Advanced / Miscellaneous Settings I had ticked ‘Force is_search to always be true’ without really understanding what it did. Unticking this option then displayed the correct results.

    I still have the other problem with the meta key not remembering the selected option when saved. I’ve replicated this on the test site I set up so you should be able to login and have a look. On the search form you’ll see the 2nd Post Meta section should be set to ‘Model Released’ but it keeps reverting to the 1st option.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    I’ve just finished an update which I hope will help – however I’m having technical difficulties uploading – trying to resolve as we speak.

    When it goes live I think your problem will be sorted 🙂


    Mike Thomas

    Hi Ross, I see there’s an update available now but am getting the message ‘Download failed. Forbidden’. I didn’t activate the license on the 2nd test site I gave you the details for so not really sure why I’m getting the message.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Mike

    This is the “technical issue” I am referring to – if you need to download please use the “Your Account” section of this site – otherwise sit tight and hopefully automatic updates will be up an running later on today.


    Mike Thomas

    I’ve updated to the current version and it has fixed the problem. Thanks for your help in getting this working. It’s a great plugin.

    Ross Moderator

    Thanks Mike!

Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)

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