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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter results not showing up in the correct order

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  • Jay

    Hi there,

    We have custom sorted our products to show up in a specific order to the search filters on the frontend.

    For example: when one of the “brand” filters are selected, the list of products do not show the most recent descending – ie) the filter “Grace” is selected under “Brand” and should be showing all lights which include “Linear” at the top, as this is our most recent product. However, it instead shows the “opal” and “battens” which should be further down the product results reliant on our custom sorting (by dates) in the backend.

    This is the website:

    Many thanks,

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you do the sorting inside Search and Filter, or in your theme somewhere? If so, how did you set it (a plugin, code [in where and what code], or in the theme)?

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