Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter Problems

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  • Anonymous

    I would provide with pleasure a web page like this example: . Is there perhaps a with which the movies are listed or instructions?

    I receive no overview with all products and the filters results do not filter the contents on the side. Would please me if there are an instructions or the similar to filter directly on the side.


    You want to make your site search work like the movie demo? There are no instructions on how to do that, as it is specific to the theme used, and it is most likely that you do not have the same theme (It was TwentyFourteen that we used, with modified templates).

    So, maybe you could explain what it is your are searching (which post types), and what filters you want (which taxonomies and custom fields etc)?


    Exactly, I would like to provide it as well as in the movie demo.
    I use the Theme Chosen. I would list certain sides, for example, Cloud provider There I would like to filter after title, short description, branch, area of application, processes etc.


    I would suggest that you start really simple and build upwards.

    You need to make a form first, so start here:

    I would suggest you start by making it using the Shortcode Display result method:

    It won’t look so good, but you can test out ideas more easily with this method, and then when the form works as you want, you might change the Results Display method to one that better suits your style needs.

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