Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter only gets applied after second time it's used

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  • Anonymous
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    I am sorry, but I am still a bit confused. We have a page. On this page, we have a search form that states the results will be shown via a shortcode. So why would our archive page for the post type the form is for have anything to do with the page? In my opinion it shouldn’t have to do anything with it.

    Maybe your answer to the question above will help me with my next question – suppose I want to have different pages, each with their own search form and search results. How do I know they won’t clash, if I assume the forms will search in the same custom post type, but will just exclude different taxonomies?

    Basically, the idea is that page 1 will search & filter results from our lessons post type, but will exclude “advanced difficulty” lessons altogether (and not offer the difficulty taxonomy in the filter section). Then page 2 will also search & filter results from our lessons post type, but exclude “beginner” lessons (and also not offer that taxonomy).

    And yes, it seems to work fine now. I guess making sure this page and the archive page use the same search form fixed it.

    Ross Moderator

    So why would our archive page for the post type the form is for have anything to do with the page? In my opinion it shouldn’t have to do anything with it.

    This is correct, a Search Form with display results set to shortcode would have very little to do with an archive of any post type, even if its the one being used in the search form.

    Can you show me an example of exactly what you mean?

    The rest of what you say is correct also, in that you can set up S&F like that (there is a tab, tags, categories, taxonomies where you can do the excluding etc…


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    Ross Moderator
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