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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter on multiple categories ?

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  • Ben Brisbout

    Hi there !

    I’m working on your plugin and it works fine except for one notion :

    I’m trying to filter my post with multiple subcategories section.
    Such as I’m selection one subcategory,
    every other selected can’t be selected in the same place.

    Can you please provide me some help tu understand & correct my topic ?

    Thanks in advance !

    Trevor Moderator

    Looking at the form, you are using Category many times, which will not work.

    This video may help (made for a different user):

    That Hipster term seemed to have 12 posts, but in fact had none! Something wrong with my posts (too much of me playing on a development site).

    I apologize for the sound and presentational quality. It was early in my morning, so I was not fully awake!

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