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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter on EDD Search Results

Viewing 10 posts - 41 through 50 (of 61 total)
  • Adam Wolff
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Hey Adam

    Turns out they have two actions after a submissions is published 🙂

    So you need to add to your functions.php (the second two actions might not be necessary but first two for sure):

    add_action('fes_submission_form_edit_published', 'sf_edd_fes_submission_form_published', 20, 1); 
    add_action('fes_submission_form_new_published', 'sf_edd_fes_submission_form_published', 20, 1); 
    add_action('fes_submission_form_edit_pending', 'sf_edd_fes_submission_form_published', 20, 1); // this might not be necessary
    add_action('fes_submission_form_new_pending', 'sf_edd_fes_submission_form_published', 20, 1); // this might not be necessary
    function sf_edd_fes_submission_form_published($post_id)
      do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $post_id);


    Adam Wolff
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Adam Wolff
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
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    Adam Wolff
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    Trevor Moderator

    If you have cPanel you can use the file manager to upload the archive file to the wp-content/plugins folder. Delete the old search-filter-pro folder, then extract the archive file you uploaded.

    Or, using ftp, upload the contents of the archive file to overwrite existing files.

    DO NOT under ANY circumstances use the WordPress plugins page to remove the plugin, as this will also delete any search forms that you have made!!

    Adam Wolff
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 posts - 41 through 50 (of 61 total)

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