Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter Numbers with thousand separator

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  • Anonymous

    Did that and it works as it should


    How does it need to be formatted?

    For example:


    Does that become:

    CHF 23'900.-

    and do any have a decimal, or are integers (whole numbers)?

    Are any above 1 million?


    CHF 23’900.- is the perfect format. No decimals. nothing above 1 million. Price range is probably from 1’000 to 300’000, same with the kilometers. (Other numbers like engine size etc. arent relevant for the filter at the moment)


    So, what does this code do?

    $test_price = get_field('test_price');
    if( $test_price ) echo "CHF " . number_format( $test_price,,".-" ,"’");

    hmm there is an error respectively the whole page looks distorted


    What is the error and how does it look distorted? You might find it easier to show me an annotated screenshot of the issue? If that is the case, you would need to upload the screenshot image to a file sharing site (like the WordPress Cloudup site) and share the link for it with me?

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    yes ive seen it Im sorry, you should have access now.

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Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 39 total)