Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter not works correctly after fist filter.

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  • Anonymous

    Hi. I dont speak english, So Ia already search at this forum I I don´t find or understood the solution…

    Can you help me?

    1 – I have 4 filters.
    2 – When i go to category, all posts appears(without filter)
    3 – after do some filter, only a few results appears. For example, I have 7 itens with filter “level”, but only 2 results appears…

    I already do:
    – Clear all cache
    – Rebuild product options
    – purchase pro version (v2.2)

    Can you take a look inside my panel?

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    I need to be able to access the site admin as an admin, but those logins do not allow me access to wp admin?


    Can you give me your IP address?

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    It is difficult for me (and vice versa for you) because it is not in a language that I know 🙁

    HOWEVER, I am looking at form #2978 and at the settings on the Post Meta tab.

    It says:

    modalidaded char = (equals) ballet-circuit

    I think you cannot use equals with text based fields. You must use like.

    I have edited that form and the counts are now different.


    Thank you very much!!!!


    This is resolved? I can close the thread?

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