Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter is updating after second input, but leaves the pictures out of view

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  • Anonymous

    Hello Sir,

    We’ve already submitted a question before. Your answer was clear (but we had to grow a little in CSS and other scripts-knowlege first) but there still is a problem with the search results.

    I’ve been looking into it the entire night, so far no result in case of refreshing pictures.
    The site i’m talking about is :

    A first nothing would refresh, but since reading more of the forum-topics on this, the search results seem to be working.
    Only thing is : the pictures won’t come up with a second/third… search attempt.
    Could you be so kind to take a look and let me know what to do ?

    Kind regards,

    Klaas van Randen (one of the authors of


    Hi Klaas. It looks like you are refreshing the results using Ajax & Masonry. Did you add the necessary JavaScript to enable this, as detailed in this guide:

    It may be necessary to change this script, as detailed in this post:


    Hi Trevor,

    It’s me again… so sorry ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Ehmmm.. tried to apply the JS to the results.php, but so far no luck yet, (the pics stick to the posts within the first filter attempt, but as soon as you use another/next filter, the pics still stay away, although the post DO refresh according the filter requests, nicely.)

    So could you please help me ? Would it help if we/I post the complete code ? Somehow I have the idea that the location of the JS code inside the results.php might be wrong ?

    Kind regards,



    Did you make a typo there Klaas? You aren’t using the Shortcode method, so it doesn’t use a results.php template file. Instead, you are using the Custom method, which uses the Elementor post element.

    How or where did you apply the javascript?


    Hi Trevor,

    Aha… of course, sounds obvious! So instead I should try to use the script in Elementor somewhere, I guess…

    I used it on multiple locations in the results.php (not at the same time, by the way), but if the site isn’t using that file, obvious it doesn’t show ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Just asked Elementor Pro for a bit of assistance (which page I should attack with the Java ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ll let you know if they have some good intel, haha!

    Thanks so far !

    Kind regards,


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    Hi Trevor,

    Just had a reply from Elementor… surprisingly : “we can’t support 3rd-party software…” in stead of helping out.

    Like you said earlier (previous post) i’ve tried to put the code in a text-widget, HTML widget and such, but nothing seems to activate… probably because the widget is not what I should use ?
    (The code element you’re talking about, where could I find that ?)

    “…simply place that on the page…” which page do you mean ? The search page I guess ? And should I open it in Notepad++ for example to insert the code there ?

    I’m so sorry, my brain is starting to play games with me… (green as I am ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    Whatever your answer will be, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year !

    Kind regards,



    If it is inside script tags, use a text element on the page and paste it in to that.

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    Looking at the first screenshot, that code is inside php tags? It should be inside HTML <script></script> tags.

    Please note that we are now into a holiday period in the UK. We will be working for some of this period, but replies may be delayed at times.

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