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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter in specific category

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Frank Engler

    Hi htere,
    I bought the Pro VErsion yesterday.
    My scenario:
    I created a custom Post Type: my_products
    Then I created taxonomies (Cat1, Cat2, Cat3) and used them as categories for the my_products Post Type.

    I also created more taxonimies (filter1, filter2) to filter the my_products.

    Problem: when I attach products to e.g. Cat1, i wanna Filter INSIDE the Cat1 for the taxonomies filter1 and filter2.

    I cannot get this runnig cause the filter always shows all products and not only the products in the specific categorie.

    Thanks in advance

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Frank, this is a feature coming in 2.0 – can send you the beta to test which has this feature included?


    Frank Engler

    Hey Ross,
    would be great if you could send me the Beta.
    We need that feature for a customer of us, thats why we bought the PlugIn.

    I give you a feedback about how the Beta works.

    Thanks in advance

    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Sanjeev Kumar
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rozhnov Vyacheslav

    Hi Ross. What’s that option? Where to find it in the filter, and how to set up?

    Rozhnov Vyacheslav


    Ross Moderator

    @rozhnovvv for beta info please contact via email as I mentioned before.

    – just seen your note here – let me know if you want beta, or to wait a few days for release.


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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