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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro filter dropdowns for 3 different criteria


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • James Monkhouse


    I’ve just bought filter pro and I’m wondering if you could help me out

    I’d like the ability to filter posts through the criteria of some dropdowns for the following

    0 – 5 Miles
    5 – 10 Miles
    10 – 20 Miles

    Time Duration

    Skill Level

    So for example … I’d need to set up a post and somehow assign the specific Distance, Time Duration and skill level to that post. and then have dropdowns to filter the criteria so the relevant post shows.

    The user wants to search for a “5-10 miles” cycle which takes “3 hours” and is “Beginner” Skill level

    I’ve messed around using tags, but I’m struggling to create this setup. Is there any way that I can create this using your plugin?



    Trevor Moderator

    You need to separate out groups, branches or parent/child taxonomy terms into separate taxonomies (or categories/tags). In general, you can use a particular Taxonomy (or Category/Tags, each Taxonomy and each Custom Field) only once in the form. This post tries to explain this a bit better (you can use a plugin to switch category terms from category to any new taxonomy that you make, so it is not so hard to do). It is a really awful preachy lecture I wrote:

    Sorry about the tone, but the message is right and it links to good plugins (except taxonomy switcher I think).

    James Monkhouse

    Thanks for your help on this Trevor

    I’ve created 3 x taxonomies to filter the post, that you can see on this page

    However when I change one dropdown, it immediately loads the new page

    How would I be able to only load the posts on click of submit button? and can I load the search results directly under the search form via Ajax? Or does it always have to redirect to another page?


    Trevor Moderator

    On the General settings tab, find the Auto Submit option and disable it.

    James Monkhouse

    Thanks Trevor, that’s worked, is there also a way to load the posts within the same window without a page refresh?

    Trevor Moderator

    You need to have Ajax enabled on the Display Results settings tab and you need to have the form on the results page instead, and start with that results page, not the test page.

    James Monkhouse

    Thanks Trevor

    I’ve been looking at this thread

    To learn how to hide the results until I click the submit button

    Is there a cleaner way to do this as it seems a bit hacky


    Trevor Moderator

    That is the only way to do it for now, assuming you are using our Shortcode Display Results method.

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