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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter Dropdown for Sub-categories of the current parent

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Conor Ashcroft

    Hey Guys,

    Just purchased and installed the plugin – love it.

    My first question is, we have a huge category list and we’re trying to make it more manageable for the user. So let’s say a user navigated to a category called ‘Fishing’. What we’d like is for the category dropdown of S&F to only show child-categories of the current category… is that possible?

    Thank you for your time.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Conor

    It can be done with a form field to restrict it to one parent. There is a Categories Tags … tab where you can include only the parent term in question.

    However, iF you have a Category list with multiple Parents and children within them, they would be much better as separate taxonomies (which will require some work to change from). I would recommend the CPT UI plugin to add the taxonomies.

    It doesn’t directly answer your question I know, but I suspect your next question would be can I have the category field more than once? And the answer would be ‘no’.

    It is a question of good data structure for SEO and UIX.

    Conor Ashcroft

    Hey Trevor,

    Thanks for taking the time to help me. It may be outside the terms of your support, but i would be hugely grateful for your knowledge and advice, you obviously know much more about this than I do.

    We do indeed have multiple parents with children. For example, our category structure looks like this:

    – Gear
    – Locations
    – Season

    – Gear
    – Species
    – Location

    Let’s say we go down the custom taxonomies route as suggested, are you saying that we can create a ‘hunting’ taxonomy, which can have it’s own separate list of categories under it (Gear, Locations, Season) etc?

    I just need to get this worked out in my head and i can then start implementing it. Right now I’m not totally clear on taxonomies and it having child cats.

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, you can. Personally, whilst I have hierarchical terms allowed on taxonomies (it is an option in CPT UI when you make or edit a taxonomy) because it looks nicer in the admin, I never actually make taxonomies or categories hierarchical. I always make additional taxonomies (category is just another name for taxonomy).

    I never use taxonomies or categories on more than one post type. Unless I genuinely have a ‘blog’, I disable blogging and do not use categories or tags at all. I make Custom Post Types and taxonomies instead. I use as many different post types as are needed/dictated by the data that they contain. For example, if I had an outdoor sports site, I might even consider having a Custom post Type for Fishing, Hunting, Camping, Trekking etc. This then means my URLs become far more SEO friendly, such as where the article (or post) is titled A Week on the Yukon and I would also then be able to have an ‘archives’ page just for fishing.

    SEO bots understand this structuring and will attach more importance to my site as I have helped the user fid what they want. It also makes menus easier. And searching/filtering.

    Conor Ashcroft

    This was hugely helpful, Trevor, thank you very much for your time and advice.

    Trevor Moderator

    This post, whilst a bit ‘preachy’, might also be of use:

    Can I close this thread, if we are done that is?

    Conor Ashcroft

    Yes please do mark as resolved.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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