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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter doesn’t work with post meta date from ACF

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    I have created an ACF date field and i am getting no results from the filter when i use it.
    However, The good post meta has been added in the search form UI, with Date Input Format as YYYYMMDD.

    what is wrong ?
    do i have to choose too a specific date Format for the model in my ACF field to match correctly?

    thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Oliver

    It could be that you are using the wrong field name.

    For every ACF field, ACF creates 3 post meta entries:


    I think you need ot make sure you are using the second option, without the underscore.

    If that’s not the issue, then please provide temporary access and we can take a look further – please use a private reply for any sensitive information.



    Effectively the second option without underscore works like a charm !

    Thank you for your help

    Ross Moderator

    Great stuff 🙂

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