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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter by some post meta shows no results

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  • Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Trevor,

    sorry for a late response. The issue is still there after installing the provided beta vesrion of plugin. I tried a lot of things but still I have no idea, why when I just add one letter the plugin suddenly sees the post (from Gdynia to Gdyniaa).

    Also, the city can be found by using search function, so it’s only an issue with the dropdown.


    Also when I choose Get options: Manual entry and add Gdynia (with one “a” at the end) even then this is not visible in the dropdown…

    Trevor Moderator


    Can you remind me, do you have a translation plugin in use, like WPML or Polylang?


    Yes, there is WPML

    Trevor Moderator

    Are these posts and terms translated? Is the search form translated?


    Posts are not translated, the search form is translated. On the second language (english) Gdynia is visible – only in first language (polish) isn’t.


    (but because of lack of translation, no posts are shown)

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Trevor,

    thank you very much for the call!

    For posternity:
    If you’re having the same problem, the ARI Adminer plugin helped find out about few posts that had different letter case in the meta-data fields.

    Case closed. Thanks, you’re the best Trevor.

    Kind regards,
    Tom H

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