Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter by category in Woocommerce

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, i’ve just bought the plugin and set it up on a site i’m working one – built with elementor. I have it almost working though i also have categories setup for manufacturers and the products assigned to it. I was wondering how to get this filtering to work as i can only get all the manufacturers to display, not just the ones related to the category that the user is in, so when one of the checkboxes is selected for manufacturer it displays everything by that manufacturer rather than just the products within the current category.

    Here is the demo site

    basically i want it to work like this site –


    If this is a taxonomy archives page, take a look at these settings (note that product category is in the form, but hidden with custom CSS):

    and these:

    But, the Ajax Container you most likely have correct, so don’t change that to .results. CSS to be used:

    #search-filter-form-5823 .sf-field-taxonomy-product_cat {
      display: none;

    Hi thanks for the reply. I’ve changed a couple of the settings i had and now it only displays the manufacturers with the category being displayed, though whenever i select one of the options it then loads all the products from that manufacturer rather than just the one sin the displayed category.

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    Oh, and also is there a way to set it when you uncheck any filters that it reloads the additional products again?

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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)