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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter by category doesn't work

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  • Trevor Moderator

    The extension file:

    This will also give you a Search & Filter form element for VC. In the VC grid the Data Source needs to be set to Search & Filter, and then for you to select the form. In Search & Filter there is also a VC Display Results method added.

    Markus Haselböck

    Unfortunately I can’t find a solution.
    Would you mind having a look on the installation?
    Therefore I would need a email address from you.

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Markus Haselböck
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    Trevor Moderator

    OK, so, I turned on the count so I could see better the problem. Whilst I cannot see the theme files, you kindly showed me the search.php contents already. That is calling in a theme function, which makes it harder for me to diagnose.

    I wonder if the Jupiter theme has an API (Hooks and actions)? I hoping that it does, and has one for before loop.

    I will give an example of another theme that does this:

    Are you able to discover if this type of possibility exists in Jupiter?

    Markus Haselböck

    Hi Trevor,

    that’s what the support team from „artbees“ wrote to me:

    Unfortunately, there is no developer documentation at the moment but you can search the theme to find all the hooks and filters.
    Also you can find the contents of search.php file in the following path:
    Please let us know if the above information doesn’t help, in that case I will contact the developers to find out more information about the hooks and filters.

    So, there seem to be hooks in the theme.
    Would you need an FTP account to the theme directory?

    Sorry, but my programming skills are not the best.
    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Markus Haselböck
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Markus Haselböck
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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 54 total)

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