Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Field relationship "OR" doesn't work anymore

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  • Anonymous

    Hi again ! Unfortunately, I can’t find any solution for my second issue, I asked the CustomPress plugin developers but they sending me back here 😉

    So, only admins can see the search results, the simple users or logged out can’t see it. But everybody can see posts with direct link so they are not private.

    I tried changing the search template, with default one, the problem appears too.

    Thank you for your help


    Mmmmm. I remember this one now. When I logged in, I could not see the plugins list. Do you have a WordPress caching plugin, like W3TotalCache or similar? These deliver different content to logged in users and not logged in users.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I have not made any changes, just looked. There is nothing obvious there. I will ask Ross and brb.


    This is not S&F doing this.

    There may be a filter being applied incorrectly in a plugin or the theme. It is ‘greedy’, and forcing itself on S&F queries too.

    You could try and disable all other plugins and work forwards testing one by one as you enable them. OR, as you are us8ing the archives display method, you might try the shortcode method, as this works differently and might not be affected by whatever is causing this.

    If you have ANY (other) security/login/search plugins they may well be the cause.


    Back again ! I found the issue, it’s the Buddypress Docs plugin which is in conflict. Now I have to find the location of the problem.

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