Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro [Feature Request] Intergration with Content Views Pro (CVP)

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  • Anonymous


    I want to intergrate SFP and CVP ( but not success. Both can be used as Shortcode and CVP even can replace a layout (Archive, Search layout –

    I replaced Search.php layout by CVP and it show views perfectly with default WP search. But using SFP and set Result = Archive search.php the results view return to normal WP view.

    P.S: If you need a CVP plugin to test send me an email at

    Many thanks!


    What you might try is the following:

    #1 Switch off Ajax in the form settings (to allow testing) – on the second (Display Results) tab.
    #2 Change the form to Custom display results method.
    #3 Add the Results URL (full URL needed) of the page.
    #4 AFTER the form (assuming you placed it as a shortcode), but BEFORE the CVP shortcode (CVP must be used as a shortcode), place a new shortcode (it does not output anything to the screen, so it does not show either the form OR any results – instead it glues the form to, hopefully, the CVP posts), place a shortcode like this (chnage the ID number to that of your form):

    [searchandfilter id="123456" action="filter_next_query"]

    #5 You will need the CVP shortcode after this.


    Thank you! I will try and give feedback soon ;)!


    I tried as below:

    [searchandfilter id="39"]//for SFP form
    [searchandfilter id="39" action="filter_next_query"] //for next query
    [pt_view id="60687bbfng"] //CVP Shortcode

    The result is error like this:

    Error: View 60687bbfng may not exist

    I hope you can found a way to intergrate with CVP which is much better than Post Grid (IMO)

    Many thanks!


    Then, at this stage, I do not think we can do any more. I will add this request for an integration addon to our feature request list for V3.


    Okie, thank you for your consideration ;)!

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