Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Fatal Error – results php template


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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,

    I am trying to customise my results template, and after adding in this new template, I receive this error:
    Fatal error: Call to a member function have_posts() on a non-object in xxxxxxxxxxx /themes/ theme/search-filter/results.php on line 25

    This is my setup:

    It may be because there are too many loops here? As on my filter & results page I have:
    2 shortcodes (filter + results shortcode) + results php template (which has its own loops).
    Not sure…

    And I followed the instructions here, to override the default template:

    ps: Trevor your login details in the previous post are still valid

    Any ideas?

    Many thanks,


    forgot to mention…

    The results template in my theme is the same (copied) as the one in the SF Pro plugin folder:
    SF Pro > Templates > results.php

    Line 25 is:
    if ( $query->have_posts() ) …….. etc.


    I would need to see the whole file (please use the code tags before and after the code – there is a button in the editor, or you can use the backtick, the key next to the 1 on the keyboard).


    Hi Trevor,

    After checking this, I discovered it was my error – as the template was slightly changed (from original S&F plugin template file.

    So I re-uploaded it with no issues now.
    Apologies for this, of course you may now close this ticket.

    ps: I’d just like to say thanks for the super fast support, it is really appreciated 🙂

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